Posts in Personal Development
3 Takeaways From my Podcast Interview With Annie F. Downs

"If you're doing the work yourself, you can afford to hire someone to do it instead. You're either paying someone else at their rate of pay, or you are paying yourself at yours."

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Overcoming Your Invisible Villain: Self-Talk

The human brain is not designed for success. It is designed for survival – conserving energy, keeping you safe, creating certainty, and avoiding risk.

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The Morning Routine You Need to Succeed

The moment you come into consciousness each morning, there is a battle for your mind. You need to win that battle and take conscious control of your mind or your unconscious mind is just going to take over.

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7 Reasons Why I Stopped Drinking

I didn't have a ton of regrets in my life, but I had some big ones, and in all of them, I was drunk.

So I thought, “If I stopped drinking, maybe I'll have fewer regrets in my life.”

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