Taking the Stress Out of Creating Content


Catalyst content is dynamic content that propagates through the web to reach the maximum number of people.

And one of the most common questions that influencers ask, "What type of content should I create? Should I create video? Should I create audio? Should it be text? Should it be imagery?"

Well, the answer is, Yes!

It needs to be all of these different types of content. And if you learn to use social media and a few simple tools, you can do all of those things without adding a lot of time to your calendar.

Some of you think about digital marketing and you say, "Rory, there's no way that I'm going to learn how to do that. There's a better chance of an Amish family pulling up in a Hummer!”

The real question is: How do I do it? How do I use some of these tools? How do I make all of these different types of media without sucking up my entire calendar?


I want to show you a simple formula. It's three steps and then a diamond.

We call it the Content Diamond.

To help you create one piece of content and then disperse it into many different types, here's how it works:

Step one: Choose one question to answer, one problem to solve for each individual piece of content that you create.

Step two: Take two minutes to prepare what you're going to say about that one question, or that one problem, that your audience has.

Step three: Pull out your phone and go Live on Facebook, or YouTube, or whatever your favorite video tool is, and spend three minutes talking about the problem and three minutes talking about the solution. Three minutes talking about the question and three minutes talking about the answer.

The thing is, don't forget to promote the problem as much as you promote the solution. Promote the question as much as you promote the answer.

Then from there, you're going to execute the Content Diamond.

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Now, take your video and send it on two different paths: Path one is going to be text and imagery and path two is going to be video and audio.

You take that video, upload it and get it transcribed, and you send it to a copy editor.

The copy editor takes that transcription and turns it into a 600-800 word article.

Then take the three most tweetable moments in that article, and turn those into little graphics on templated-branded Instagram backgrounds.

Post those graphics on Instagram and Pinterest, and post the full article on LinkedIn.


Then with the video, strip the video, strip the audio out of the video, and turn that into a podcast. Then take the video and post it in its full format on YouTube.

And create a 60-second version of that video you can use on Instagram.

So that one piece of content is hitting all of these platforms.

Then you're going to bring it together and post it all on your blog. And from your blog, you're going to push it out everywhere.

One piece of content shared across many different mediums.


The only reason you wouldn't do this is because of fear.

You're scared that your content won't be well-received. You're scared that it won't be good enough.

You only feel fear when you're thinking about yourself. Don't think about yourself. Think about the person out there who needs you, who needs your answer, who needs your solution.

You never feel fear when your focus on others is clear. So don't put pressure on yourself to create customers. Just focus on creating fans.

I hope this has given you the confidence to start creating content. Leave me a comment below to let me know.

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